
Featured Family: Sigrid of Caracci Server (Suprised?! >_<")

*LOL* I'm not that egocentric but since i just started my page, there's no one for me to feature yet but my own family of course! ^o^

I think it's just proper you know something about me... (Sigrid i may say!) I thought of this name a long time ago, and i thought it was just really suited for a game set in the 17th century... with all the classic impressiona and all... =D

I have 4 line-ups to be exact, but i'm concentrating on my first 3 characters, Arcania (fighter), Cyprus (Scout) and Althea (Elementalist). Level you say...? Hmmm... well, just guess it with the equips i'm wearing! :p (Actually, the next level of outfits is what I can wear now already ^^") thanks my to my bestfriend (and co-account owner) Kienz. ^^v

You'll often see Sigrid loitering aroung channel 3 of Caracci Server, loyal [and Muse] to my first and only faction Covenant, (formerly known as Escudo PH) lead by Kincaid. (Now recruiting! English-speaking players, level 55!) *LOL*

I've played ever since GE beta days and i'm really happy with this game, i just think people who use third-party programs (bots to be exact) don't get the clever and convenient game design.

Anyway, that's about all i can say right now... (no i'm not rich in-game. LOL) So if you want to get featured in my page, just e-mail me with a short description about you and a screenie too (preferably with a pose) And i'll see what i can do about it 'ayt?!

I haven't been able to play for 5 days now... I miss my playing sob. ~_~"

Oh well, *scribble scribble* ^^v

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