I finally found some time to get my mind off work related stuff and do what i love doing best. And that oppurtunity came as the Philippine Online Gaming Summit (...not Society! >_<") held its famous celebration at the Trinoma Event Area yesterday (January 13).
*Disclaimer: Pic spam is inevitable. ^_____^v
The center stage with its humungous screen.

A look at the entrance

View from the top (I told you there were so many people!)
I arrived around lunch time and the event was crowded like popcorns in a glass box already! Booming background music from Granado Espada was setting the mood for gamers of all ages and developers. The main host for this event, Game! Magazine is selling their November/December 2007 issue like pancakes since it's the entrance requirement to POGS. :D
Cool enough, the IP E-games booth is set near the entrance so it's one stop for freebies you can't miss! E-games offers free posters and installers upon registration and there were other merchandise for sale too. (Yay! I got me the newest Granado Espada poster! But darn, i forgot to ask for the Bahadia patch CD. >_<")
E-games BoothThe event had tons of raffles, live contests, F2P, iRL quests, PvP's, concerts, cosplays and friends to meet that was definately worth the time, sweat and exhaustion felt.
Hey, hey, hey! There are kids watching! >_<"
The Reclusion brothers at the PvP event
*Ugug!* Gian is hit by a monster!
"Baaah i kill u aaaalll! -Geroro "T" is that you?!? >:)
PH CM Veay being interviewed by the event host
I was glad to know our first FFA winning entry "Relapse" was played at the big screen and was viewed by all those present. (Too bad I didn't get to see their reactions though, I left the event early. >_<") Together with it where the FFA winning entries movies also such as Reclusion/Behringer/Fiksdotter's "Lonely Hearts II" and Reclusion/Behringer/Ninemoon's "Not Another Love Story"
Here are some pic spams of real-life friends (and new found ones!) who attended the event:
The gamer/blogger girls: Ninemoons, DeSanggria and meeh!
The GE players (sorry PJ & Anne! It looks like your the only one NOT from Carracci! :p)
Group pic # 8,291= From the right: Device, Reclusion (Darrick hiding in hood), Fiksdotter, others (lol), deSanggria, Blacksword, Ninemoons and Mena.
Game! Assistant Editor Diane Reyes (woot!), Me again.. >_<", Reclsuion (Nate) over at the back and Audi CA Alex Crosse (uh-oh! :P)After much poses and repeated "excuse me's" ('coz the place was so crowded i tell you!), overall, the event was one celebration no gamer should miss!
'till next POGS! ^^v
*Special thanks to Ninemoons for sharing with me some of her pics from the day's event! ^_^
the tall guy in the group pictures is Charles, a/k/a MainDevice in the forums, a/k/a the Device family ^^
oy di lang si pj yung non-caracci, ako din! hahaha. nice seeing you there! ^_^
edited. :D
LOLS yeah if forgot! ok, edited narin. XD
Whee! I got to know an existing blogger from Carracci!
I hope you'll attend events like this one in the future. I am looking for our community to grow and grow! :D
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