Bahaia Patch Invitations!
Explore the place and discover lots of great view, mini-games, and of course, the island of Fire where unfortunately, I haven't been too yet. *Not enough vis to buy key* LOL! >_<"
My 2008 New Year's Resolution ...ulp!
So now, i might just dip into this whole resolution thing and TRY with all effort to persue my first ever serious resolution for 2008:

*This picture had been my entry for the Forum Quest 10: Veya's Challenge - Posh Holiday Stylish Screenshot (wheeew, what a long title >_<") See that topic here.
Aside from that very general (and not to mention HARD!) iRL resolution, there are actually numerous detailed resolutions I want to do or change in my life. I might make a screenshot for all of those but that would add another to my personal resolution: "find time to play GE! *DND working.* sob. ~_~")
I can only LOL. ~XD
As for those numerous resolutions, i don't really have to mention it all here 'coz this might just get melo-dramatic. ^o^
"The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul”
G. K. Chesterton
Happy start to everyone! ^_~v
Granado Espada Desktop Calendars
...And it's free for you to have and save it in your PC!!! ^^v
for January to March!

(Is that Beethoven??? XD)

the October - December calendar of the HAWT, HAWT fighter!
(I can't wait to have this as my desktop image LOL!)

Enjoy!! ^^v
It's finally oooout!!! Kindeesig productions is giving it all out! We're showing our fans (and competitors at the same time) what we have in stored for the upcoming Fantazztic Film Awards submission! Relapse 1 may be "crappy, overtimed and over rated love story" but you might be surprised we all took those comments as means to improve our future work!
So watch out and prepare. 'Coz Kindeesig Productions is back and better! ^_~
Kindeesig's 2nd movie: Teaser
Our second movie [hopefully! >_<"] for the Fantastic Film Awards (FFA)...
Relax, bring out your popcorn and support your idol!
Who will become the FIRST... "Granaaaadooooooo's Zzzzzueeeepeeeerstaaar?!"
Cast your votes this January 2008!
Sigrid Invades POGS 2008!
The center stage with its humungous screen.
View from the top (I told you there were so many people!)

The event had tons of raffles, live contests, F2P, iRL quests, PvP's, concerts, cosplays and friends to meet that was definately worth the time, sweat and exhaustion felt.

The Reclusion brothers at the PvP event

I was glad to know our first FFA winning entry "Relapse" was played at the big screen and was viewed by all those present. (Too bad I didn't get to see their reactions though, I left the event early. >_<") Together with it where the FFA winning entries movies also such as Reclusion/Behringer/Fiksdotter's "Lonely Hearts II" and Reclusion/Behringer/Ninemoon's "Not Another Love Story"
Here are some pic spams of real-life friends (and new found ones!) who attended the event:

Group pic # 8,291= From the right: Device, Reclusion (Darrick hiding in hood), Fiksdotter, others (lol), deSanggria, Blacksword, Ninemoons and Mena.

After much poses and repeated "excuse me's" ('coz the place was so crowded i tell you!), overall, the event was one celebration no gamer should miss!
'till next POGS! ^^v
*Special thanks to Ninemoons for sharing with me some of her pics from the day's event! ^_^
FFA Seagate 'Scene & Heard' week: winners Announced!
Winner: Team ID GE10034
Server: Carracci
Team Leader: Behringer
Teammate #1: Fiksdotter
Teammate #2: Reclusion
Video Link: http://profile.imeem.com/03jbvt/video/SigUb4U6/elite_le_blanc_lonely_hearts_club_ii_movies_video/
2nd Place: (I'm not sure what their prize is, sorry. >_<")
Runner Up: Team ID GE10029
Server: Cervantes
Team Leader: Zaleski
Teammate #1: Corinthias
Teammate #2: Cerex
Video Link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=cy89-_ygy28
Team ID: GE10035
Server: Carracci and Cervantes
Team Leader: Behringer (Carracci )
Team Member #1: NineMoons (Cervantes)
Team Leader #2: Reclusion (Carracci)
Video Link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=IdvT3JNRyMU
The efforts of other entries wasn't in vain, for they also receive a consolation prize of 30k GP for each player!
Team ID: GE10030
Server: Pachelbel
Team Leader: Han siang
Team Member #1 Family Name: Jennifer
Team Member #2 Family Name: Wai Khang
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6hq4uqpSeo
Team ID: GE10003
Server: Carracci
Team Leader(family name): Tokoyoshi
T eammate #1: devilz
Teammate #2: PCB
Video Link: http://youtube.com/watch?v=nhYQWHRQsFg
Team ID: GE10032
Server: Cervantes
Team Leader: Fetuccini
Team Member #1: Familier
Team Member #2: Mortreux
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=anXSc3KKQaM
Team ID: GE10033
Server: Carracci
Team Leader: Exebolt
Team Member #1: donnpogz
Team Member #2: EightOcnarf
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WUbOXBJkjVw
Team ID: GE10027
Server: Pachelbel
Team Leader: Xilx
Team Member #2: Althex
Team Member #3: Piezx
Video Link: http://www.stage6.com/user/silent88/...9;m-not-worthy
Team ID: GE10005
Server: Pachelbel
Team Leader: CagedBird
Team Member #1: shenhan
Team Member #2: Froztitanz
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2tMct6m5z0g
Team ID: GE10037
Server: Cervantes
Team Leader: Weisswritter
Team Member #1: Laxamune Team Member #2: Adriano
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UQERDzNVEU
Congratulations and special mention to my iRL friends Reclusion Family for sweeping such awesome prizes these week! (Balato naman dyan lols~! ^o^) Lucky, Lucky, Luckkkyy~!
FFA Entries: Miscrosoft Vista 'Scene & Heard' week winners
I 'LOLED' at myself for not remembering to post this!
Here are the winners for the first submission for the Fantazzztic Film Awards (FFA) Microsoft Vista 'Scene & Heard' week.
'Twas the start of everybody's eagerness to submit their own creation and for the first week, only five had submitted (Including my team's DEBUT entry! XD) The winners where decided after almost 2 weeks of waiting. The result was a bit 'imbalanced'.
(To view the direct link to the winners announcement: Click Here)
1st place: (Receiving a set of Microsoft Vista each and their movie is one of the FFA Grand Finale finalist entries)
Team ID GE10003
Server: Carracci
Team Leader: Tokoyoshi
Teammate #1: devilz
Teammate #2: PCB
Video link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7cFts480d2Q
2nd place: (Bags a Microsoft Office 2007 each and their movie is also one of the FFA Grand Finale finalist entries)
Team ID: 100019
Server/World: Carracci
Team Member #1 Family Name: Sigrid / Joan
Team Member #2 Family Name: Kincaid / Arvin
Team Member #3 Family Name: deEspania / Mark
(Here's our video that I've been promoting since then.. Hope you like it! ^^v)
Part 1:
Part 2:
Consolation Prizes: 'Early Bird' Award were also given by IP E-games (woot generous!) and the following teams will each receive 90k G-points!
Team ID GE100027
Server: Pachelbel
Team Leader: Xilx
Teammate #1: Althez
Teammate #2: Piezx
Team ID GE100028
Server: Carracci
Team Leader: milkshake
Teammate #1: Senkado
Teammate #2: alpha
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHvnATjfLj0
Team ID: GE10005
Server/World: Pachelbel
Team Leader Family Name/Nickname: CagedBird
Team Member #1 Family Name/Nickname: Shenhan
Team Member #2 Family Name/Nickname: Froztitanz
Video Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWG_qVxTtck
*Author's Personal Note: As i was saying earlier, although I did like team Tokoyoshi's Video "Chobits' Codename: Catherine", i very much would want to express my deepest opinion that the judging of IAH for the different submission weeks are somehow mixed up because there's a big difference between doing a 'spoof' and a 'drama/love story/tragic movie'.
There may be elements that were put into consideration (like story, video quality, etc.) but still, I THINK to be able to classify and actually 'see' the best video is to have a category on the videos for the future FFA submission weeks. (e.g. "Bloopers vs. bloopers, you get the point. ~_~") but then again, i think this would be impossible now since as i currently write this article, the winners for the 2nd submission week has already been decided upon. I just hope in future competitions like this, everything is ironed out entirely. ^^,
And so without further ado, Congratulations everyone and Let's go and make more entries!!! ^_______^v
Intel Film-Making Awards...winners revealed!
It was a seminar fully booked with players who got to know the start of "Machinimasia" (Machine + Animation + Cinema) and eventually led to the pre-announced on-the-spot video making contest.
Of the many participants and videos Intel and E-games personnel have watch, 6 videos were chosen. They were posted in the forum and were polled on who is Granado Espada's Community Choice (Click here for the summary of poll) and out of that, the winners were finally concluded:
Reclusion's Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U1pUiagXiLM
2nd Place: (Gets to choose between: Chrysalis Package or Ivory Bag Package and Choice of Lucifer Wings 30D or 3 pairs of Divine Angel Wings)
3rd Place: (Gets to choose between: Your Choice of Chrysalis Package or Ivory Bag Package and gets 1 pair of Divine Angel Wings)
(Woot! What a coincidence! We're all from Carracci server, Reclusion was my previous faction mate and Reimaru is my current faction mate. ^^v)
Consolation prizes: (Each get a pair of divine angel wings)
* (Voting ended January 08, 2008 11:59pm)
Here's the direct link to the announcement in the GE forums: Click here
The Overall Champions were also announced, and here are the lucky winners:
1st Place: (Prizes: Intel Core 2 Quad PC, Granado Espada Limited Edition Box, Your Choice of Chrysalis Package or Ivory Bag Package / Your Choice of Lucifer Wings 30D or 3 pairs of Divine Angel Wings)
Bunny Pasig
2nd Place: (Prizes: iPod Touch, Granado Espada Limited Edition Box, Choice of Chrysalis Package or Ivory Bag Package / 1 pair of Divine Angel Wings)
Darrickson Regondola
3rd Place: (Prizes: P5000 gift check worth of Intel products, Granado Espada Limited Edition Box, Bear Package )
Riasa Aguilar
Intel's Choice: (Prize: P10,000 gift check worth of Intel products)
Philip Bengson
Visit CM Veya's Blog for more details. :)
Congratulations everyone! We're all winners! ^_~