(From the left: Peaches, Forjadorluna, Sigrid, Zoldyak, Kincaid)

Kincaid the Landslide-Chancellor winner. haha! =)

Sigrid, Kincaid and Blacksword

Congratulations everyone!
(I want Quad! XD)

(Oh and there's the MS Office 2007 prize. LOL)
The sigrid controllers (Kienz and Joan) with SG CM Hrin
FAQ's on the winners/prizes:
1) If you want to know the winners of the iGN/iRL competitions, visit NineMoons' documentation of the event. She was able to note all the winners and even posted their pictures too.
2) Prizes like the "In-game costume of your choice" would be ONE costume only. (Confirmed with pCM Veya) ...Sad, i know. ~_~" *decides on who in my family will get my costume choice*
3) For all the winners of the different iGN / iRL events, please email your username and password to me, errr.. (LMAO) username and IGN names to: veya@granadoespada.com.ph
Please note that only the members, deputies that are present IN THE EVENT can be rewarded. FL's will automatically have rewards.
This applies to the Major AND consolation winners who were promised of an in-game item also. ^_^
4) Clarify also which contest you won.
5) Wait for a week or two to get your prizes.
6) Visit this forum article for more talks on the G.E. Dom1nation aftermath!
Kudos and It was nice seeing everyone! ^_^v
Special mention:
~Thanks to Cer aka TGK (TheGreatKeeper) [am i right?] from Vradical Faction for returning me my phone when i unknowingly dropped it after jumping when our Fation won in the Banner competition. >_<" Real thanks man, my cellphone is my work. LOL! ~XD
~Congratulations to Reclusion (Darrick & Nate), Fiksdotter, Artaxerxes and NineMoons (and team) for taking home tons of hams! Well deserved guys! ^_~
~To my faction, the Outcast, for being Most Loyal Faction and Faction Banner winner. Woot! Let's enjoy the prizes and hope to see you all again in the future! ^_^v
From left to right: Uhh.. to many to mention. >_<"
Check out more unposted photos here!
~My camera (Well, what it took before it ran out of battery in the middle of the event. Sheez.)
~NineMoons' Photobucket