SPOILER: Please forgive me as the next pics you will see make you go LMAO on your seats. >_<"
After a long day's work, I had a chance to relax by getting a haircut yesterday. I said byebye to my long hair (it was a year ago since i last had a haircut) and when the final touches were done, only then did I think long and hard as to whom I look like........
(Continue reading and you will realize why my haircut has been so relevant with GE. *shivers in my seat*)
After a long day's work, I had a chance to relax by getting a haircut yesterday. I said byebye to my long hair (it was a year ago since i last had a haircut) and when the final touches were done, only then did I think long and hard as to whom I look like........
(Continue reading and you will realize why my haircut has been so relevant with GE. *shivers in my seat*)
This is my haircut. Guess who i look like?!? O_O"

*Drum roll* *guessy, guessy!*
But wait, there's moreeee! o_O"

But wait, there's moreeee! o_O"

What has happened to me??? LOL! I was thinking maybe this was ONE OF THE MANY results of having withdrawals from Granado Espada... You SUBCONSCIOUSLY tend to LOOK like the CM's... O_O"
Be surprised if the next time around, my pajamas would look like Le Blanc.
Haha! ^^v
Be surprised if the next time around, my pajamas would look like Le Blanc.
Haha! ^^v
ahahahaha~ nice one! i'd say it's addiction, not withdrawals XD~
I hope you're not mad at me for looking like you CM Veya! LOLS! XD
promise, it was accidentaaaal! >__<"
May i call you neesan now? =))
hahahaha Joan d halata na fan ka nila Veya LOL [just kidding hahahah!]
anyway anyway...I want teh monkey paparazzi!!!!! ~_~
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