Last October 26, Granado Espada has launched their Halloween patch containing the in-game event “Tiburon’s Scarecrows” where in players can win a once-in-a-year exclusive headgear, the Pumpkin Hat. All the task requires is to talk to the Halloween event NPC Tiburon at the Port of Coimbra and he’ll ask you to look for 20 scarecrows scattered all over the GE map!
At first, the task may seem to be a real pain (‘coz you really had to search every dungeon floor, map corners and not to mention go into high level places with monsters!) but I find the expedition worth the cool prizes. At the first day of the event alone, most of the online players were already searching for the locations of those Halloween scarecrows (Talk about going Trick or Tricking!) and the floating text or microphones had an inflation as everyone was asking what the locations were. Good thing our fellow GE players shared the locations they know and posted the accurate sites where they could be found and thus, complete all 20 hiding scarecrows.
For those who still doesn’t have the Pumpkin Hats (which turned the city into a fusion of what seemed to be V for Vendetta, Thriller by Michael Jackson, and the rise of the Pumpkin Zombies) you still have until the 8th of November until the in-game event stops.:) Visit the GE forum here for more information about the event.
The thread about the locations of the scarecrows seems to be down so I’ll just post it here. (Trust me, these are the locations I went to. >_<”)
Location & Coordinates:
- Jezebel Glen E4
- Porto Bello Deserted Quay G9
- Porto Bello Deck K7
- Porto Bello Cliff J2
- Thueringenwald H2
- Pradera de Ceniza G6
- Rion de Prairie E10
- Vegas Javier I10
- Crater of Joaquin H6
- Old Port of Coimbra D4
- Tetra Catacomb G5
- Tetra Ruins D8
- Reboldeaux Stonepit J4
- Ferrucio Junction F6
- Bonavista River F4
- King’s Garden G5
- Al Quelt Moreza G9
- Al Qulet Parsonage G8
- Cathari Falls G9
- El Lago Celeste G5
Now this doesn’t necessarily have to be followed in order. What’s important is that you find all 20 scarecrows to get these prizes:
5 Scarecrows = 10 Chocolates
10 Scarecrows = 5 Level 64 Enchantment Chips
15 Scarecrows = 5 Diamond Coupons
20 Scarecrows = 3 Pumpkin Hats
It wouldn't really hurt if you'd go take advantage of the in-game events. It's a really a good way of winning for your family not only items (in-game or real life) but it's plus points to your family's reputation as well. :) I hope Granada Espada continues to cook up more events for players to participate in. And i'm keeping my fingers crossed for a Jack Frost costume in December (If there's any~). LOL!
I also made some comic screen shots in-line with the Halloween event: XD
Because they didn't know Tiburon gives Pumpkin hats away:

When they thought it could scare monsters away:

Wearing Pumpkin Hats anywhere isn't always a good idea:

With new headgears comes NEW MONSTERS!
And when you're mistaken for one... get Muay thai-ed. Ouch. That's Gotta Hurt. >_<"
Other quest bloopers: